Now is the time to switch to a membership-based business

With a membership based business model, you will acquire more clientele, create more time for yourself and your office team and all while collecting more revenue. Sounds awful doesn’t it? Of course it doesn’t!

By transitioning to a membership based business, your business will drive itself.

Dr. Morse

Dr. Alison D. Morse, D.C.


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You could do it alone but it is faster this way.

How many times have you heard, “If I had only known this years ago!”

This is exactly what I said prior to transitioning from a transaction based practice to a membership only based practice.

Educated, committed patients / clients equals increased referrals and less work.

Yes, you heard me. Less work, happier patients / clients and a happier office team.

Learn how to make the switch with our guidance

Learn how to pivot to a membership based business, get more done, work less and earn more.

Learn how to set up premium packages, streamline payments, along with all of the small details from professionals with hands-on experience.

Learn how a membership based business will turn your regular clients into brand ambassadors, and increase brand loyalty.

Built for most businesses

Medical practices

Membership-based medical practices reported better results after making the switch. This business model leaves patients feeling as if they are receiving more, by being pampered and catered to. In turn, they care more about their health and are excited to share their experience with others.

Traditional type businesses

All traditional type businesses reported a predictable and constant revenue stream from subscribed individuals.

Creating more time for themselves as business owners and time for their employees to focus on personalized client care.

Creative services

Creative service companies reported immensely reduced uncertainty of the riskiness of business operations in general. They also gained an immediate increase in capital for reinvestment. The transformation into a membership based model generates happier clients, and the feeling of royalty leading to an accelerated word of mouth.

There is a lot more than just changing the structure.

Learn how to grow your clients commitment to you by enticing and educating them to purchase your services, saving them money compared to the typical (individualized) pricing for multiple services.

Learn how to reward your clients.

Learn how to gather additional information about your customers that will guide you toward creating supplementary services customized to their needs.

Your clients will become your advertisement .

The goal is not to have them pay and not use your services. The goal is to have them feel important and want to be a part of your company by using your services frequently. The end result will be that they will want to share their experience with the world about you and your company.

Why Not Make Things Happen?

Tell us about your business and receive a free 30 minute call directly with Dr. Morse, who successfully transformed her transactional healthcare practice into a membership based practice. She has now helped many others build membership based models, in various fields (not limited to healthcare). No hard sell, we promise. When you are ready to change your life, you will.

Dr. Morse

Dr. Alison D. Morse, D.C.


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Time is money – literally

We don’t want to rush you, though each month without a membership based business is a month lost in revenue, with wasted time and energy. The sooner you decide, the sooner you will see change. Reach out and get in the queue for a talk with Dr. Morse.

Maybe you are already in business successfully or at minimum making ends meet. So, why would you want or need a membership based business?

The answers are simple.

Membership-based business will save you time, grow your business model and change your personal and professional life. It will change your entire lifestyle if you choose.

Can I do it on my own?

You could do it on your own though, there would be lots of trial and error which takes time and money. Believe it or not there is a technique, a methodic system to convert your business. We are ready to guide you.